SAP Mapper overview

Uploading drawings

SAP Mapper allows users to upload all relevant construction details together and carefully crop them
according to the drawing type, so that during the measuring process all focus is completely on the
drawings; the software is then able to adapt the measurement process according to each drawing.

Using other methods, drawings are typically measured one by one, using unspecialised PDF measuring
tools. SAP Mapper can measure PDF ϐiles and multiple other ϐile formats.

Taking measurements

The uploaded drawings are then speciϐically ordered, so that the information from previously measured
drawings is automatically utilised where necessary throughout the measurement process; this maximises
information gathered using the integrated intelligence within the software.

The measuring methods and tools in SAP Mapper have been carefully tailored, to ensure taking
measurements in construction drawings is as ϐluid and accurate as possible.

While measuring speciϐic elements in construction drawings, the lengths of thermal bridges are
automatically calculated, a process typically undertaken separately; thus, saving additional time.

Inputting measurements into software

Once the measurements have been taken and the thermal bridge lengths have been calculated, this
information is typically entered into SAP software manually.
SAP Mapper has a function that allows users to generate an XML ϐile which contains all the building
dimensions, dwelling and opening orientations, the number of lights, measurements of heat loss elements and calculated thermal bridge lengths.

The XML ϐile can then be imported into SAP software, saving up to an hour and a half of manual input
time. The complete measure and export process typically takes 10 minutes in SAP Mapper.

Project Management and Auditing

Project ϐiles in SAP Mapper can be efϐiciently reviewed and audited by a company. An auditor can set an
audit frequency, so that every nth project goes to audit. The auditor can simply review all measurements,
and if required, provide feedback to the user who measured the drawing.

Auditors receive notiϐications in the software when a project goes to audit, and the user who measured
the drawing is notiϐied when feedback is left; the drawing measurements can then be easily amended by
the user, which in turn sends the project back to be reaudited.

Projects ϐiles are automatically organised according to the client and site, and access to these ϐiles can be
shared between multiple users within a company.

Users can make use of bulk processing tools, such as generating multiple ϐiles for dwellings that appear on many plots using a master project ϐile; users can also bulk-export entire sites as a single XML ϐile, which can then be imported into SAP software, saving a signiϐicant amount of time

To find out more about SAP Mapper and how it could help you, request a demonstration.

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